Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Where have I been?

At the doctor mostly...but all things considered we're doing just fine.

Baby E will be 9 months old this week and it's gone much faster than it did with C.  After getting through the first 3 months of her life, things settled quickly. It's amazing how a new bottle, and no tubes and monitors really does the trick?!!

We are gearing up for some big doctor appointments here this month where they'll decide when her surgery takes place. I'm a nervous wreck thinking about it, but it's got to happen.  Little E is growing so well and she's a joy to be around. So far we haven't seen any development delays which is what I'm most afraid of with her PRS. She crawling a ton right now and even thinks she can walk on most days. 

I love this stage - 6 months to 18 months is magical. Baby snuggles, longer stretches of sleep and new discoveries around the corner. I feel blessed every day.

Hoping you all are well.