Our Journey - Part 3

I can't believe it, but here we are getting ready to embark on our journey for another child. We have been incredibly blessed that our last IVF was successful. We have 4 frozen embryos and are hoping to grow our family.

Update: 2 FETs later and now we're down to 2 frozens left. UGH, why did I think things would be easier the second time around. Silly, silly...silly.....

Now just one left..and we have little hope for it. Really thinking that another fresh IVF is where we are going to end up. I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.

Update again:  Yep - here we are. Staring down the barrel of another fresh IVF. The IVF nightmares have officially begun as of last night.  IVF 3.0 begins July 3!

Lord help us - the journey for baby #2 seems to be as twisty and turny - and even some parts equally painful. IVF #3 with PGS was a failure.... currently on the hunt for more answers...

More updates: So how unlucky could we get, being faced with what I feel is 2 full rounds of primary infertility. We had issues discovered in the journey for baby #1 and now, there's new issues we uncovered along the path for baby #2. I had thought that we had solved things after C was born, but we were in for a completely new set of questions.  In September 2014, I had another surgery to take a look at the state of my tubes and uterus.  Low and behold, we might have our answer after all. My tubes were removed due to severe hydrosalpinx on both sides.  So now, we embark once again on the IVF journey with 2 PGS normal embryos waiting for us.  

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