Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Lining Check - FET is a go!

Well the title says it all really. I went in for my lining check this morning super nervous that it wouldn't be thick enough, but alas - they measured 3 times just to be sure it was over 8 and the nurse recorded 9.5, 10 and 10.3 for measurements so we're definitely in the clear.  I had been having a lot of CM lately so I knew something was going on down there, but still I was nervous they'd delay me like my last FET.

Tonight, E gets the pleasuring of doing 2 IM injections for me. I'm super nervous about the PIO shots as this will be the first time I'm doing those and I've heard they are a nightmare. Maybe I'm psych-ing myself out - I can do this! Heck, I thought I couldn't even go through with IVF and I've done it twice. Oh and I thought there'd be no way I could get through my C-section and I did that too.

Transfer is set for Monday and they will call Saturday with my time. I'll be able to do a pre-transfer acupuncture appointment right before the transfer like I did for the last transfer which is great. Oh boy, I can't believe this is actually happening!

The plan is to transfer one 5-day blast. I've got 4 frozen which is great news thought it makes me a little nervous thinking maybe they all will work! Now wouldn't that be something.


  1. AHHHH! Here we go!! So exciting!

  2. Fingers crossed for you! Hopefully you've found the PIO shots aren't terrible - they're intimidating but I find the actual shot isn't awful.
