Friday, January 24, 2014

Happy Anniversary of Becoming a Mother

Someone said this to me and I almost died!  I loved it so much.  It's true - one year ago today, I FINALLY became a mother. Something I had longed for through countless days, weeks, months and years. (OK let's be honest, I know exactly how long it took, but you get the point.)

Today, I will celebrate my oh-so-busy, almost walking, teething, adventurous, snuggly, gooey little boy that has brought so much joy to our lives. But today, I will also celebrate becoming a mother - and I will congratulate E on becoming a father. Today is a milestone day for all of us and we are so grateful each and every day for our blessing. 

I had a talk the other day with that little blessing of ours about his first birthday wish.  I may have suggested he wish for something - or someone - in particular.  I allowed him some leeway on whether or not he wished for a baby sister or a baby brother, but if he could wish for one of those, mommy and daddy would be very appreciative.

In between snowdays, party planning, houseguests etc. - FET is a go for the 28th.  Lining check and hormone were on track and I started PIO shots last night!  

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